Tuesday 8 May 2012

The real me

Since nobody knows who I am I just want to vent since I know for a fact after reading somebody elses blog that I have been hiding behind a veil and not letting you know the true me. In my mind that is not fair to anybody. I have been suffering from depression for years and it has been getting worse. However I am hoping on getting better in the future and working towards it. I do have an addiction that I am working through of inhalents and I am working through it and hope to be in recovery by August. Everyday is a struggle for me but I do my best to get through every second without using. Going day by day is to much to focus on right now. But I want to tell anybody who is reading this you can get through it, I know people who did and its ok to get help, nobody will think less of you. I used to be a Catholic, Pentecostal and I realized that even though I believe in Jesus I dont believe in their teachings ( churches) so now I am spiritual ( I believe that there is a number of gods/goddesses) and I also practice Wicca/ Witchcraft. I have set up my first alter which is on the next blog. Also I see Spirits/Ghosts on a daily basis and I find comfort in that. In addition, I talk to my spirit guides daily. I collect gemstones and old money. I am a good person and I also try to sign petitions for amnestry international. Much blessings


  1. AWESOME !!! You are a very courageous person. I, too, am spiritual, but not religious. I, too, have seen the Soul Essence of others. I, too, speak with a Guide. Also, I am considering embracing the Path of Wicca.....We have much in common, as I have also experienced depression for many years....I wish you strength and joy. Blessed Be, dear friend on the Path.

  2. I too, suffer from depression, and at times it does build up. I too was Catholic, and for a time visited the local Pentecostal church (which I may do again). But one thing is for sure, there is no one right religion for me, other than the religion of my heart. I also see ghosts, and practice Wicca/Witchcraft. I collect "old" money too. BB!

  3. Thank you so much for your responses and to know that there are people out there that is like me makes me feel good about myself. I never thought of myself as a courageous person so thank you Urth Child for letting me see that. Last night and today was a hard day. Calvin, thank you for replying and telling me that you see ghosts, what old money do you have
