Monday 3 September 2012

multiple wives: my view

I got to read the book " love times three" and watched "Sister Wives" and after much research different types of this kind of religion and realized that most people who focuses on the abuse is different from those that the people in the above practice. People who practice fundermental mormon and their marriage is just like ours only that there is more then wife and in my view they should be treated like any other couple and it should be legalized everywhere including canada. I ask: what happened to human rights. This is just my opinion.


  1. Having multiple wives (or husbands) is something I have no problem with. Though I do not know where I stand on Fundamental Mormonism. Why is there only multiple wives in this faith? (why not multiple partners? / husbands?)

  2. They live according to the Bible and it states the only way for marriage is to have wives not husbands and in the bible there is a man that accually did have multiple wives. If this is a question I will find the scripture for anyone who asks. There is another religion, cant remember the name of it but I will reply and let everyone know when I find out that allows multiple husbands and wives. Thanks for the question.
