Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Guardian Angels

Good day everybody! Even though I am not religious anymore I do still believe in Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides etc. To me is somebody who passed away and came back as somebody to watch over us especially when we need advice, a comforting hand etc they are also your consiounce so the next time that you hear that little voice I believe strongly that that is your Guardian Angel, spirit guides etc. and in my view you should always listen to them. I believe that in a previous posting and currect me if I am wrong that I gave you an excercise on how to contact them. Every day before I start out my day I talk to them as if they are just one of my friends, I dont say the prayer that I was taught when I was a child since I believe that they listen better if they know it is coming from your heart, that is what I try to do when I pray to my deities. I watched so many shows especially on "Unsolved Mysteries" about people who survived extraordinary odds due to a higher being and I also read "90 Minutes in Heaven" which I strongly suggest you read to. It isnt overly religious. I have set a schedule for myself for the topics for this week so please keep checking back and see what I got for tommorow.


  1. Very interesting post. I'd like to plug a book about ascended masters (which are spirit guides to many), it's about how "spirit guides" communicate with us through numbers. The book is called Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue; and may help you in deciphering their messages. I too, talk to my guides as though they were friends, as they are indeed our friends. Have a wonderful day, I look forward to your next post. Blessed be!

  2. Thank you so much for your posting. I also heard about the book but never purchased it yet. Probably will on Wednesday. I talk to them especially lately if you read my most recent post you would understand. Its about my venting. Needed that today. Blessed Be!
