Sing as though no one can hear you, Dance as though no one is watching you, Love as though you have never been hurt ~~author: unknown~~
Thursday, 30 May 2013
My other blogs - please take a look
Monday, 27 May 2013
Need to Vent about my church beliefs *NO NASTY RESPONSES PLEASE*

Friday, 24 May 2013
My favorite Soap Opera Actress Jeanne Cooper has died - June 8, 2013

Thursday, 23 May 2013
Chocolete Lasagna
Get Better - Get Worse
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Does God still love me?
Lately I have been praying and I feel like the Lord isn't listening to me. I wondor if its because I messed up so many times that he is just fed up with me. Does he actually love me? My ex says He does and since me and my ex are still good friends I trust what he says but I feel so low and empty. Ended up going to the hospital but the doctor just swept me off and said what I was feeling is normal. I am not a doctor but these feelings ain't normal. Mom told me to stay positive around my ex so I won't push him away but its getting harder to do. Even hearing the birds singing ain't making me happy. I miss my ex, his family and cats so much but so happy that me and him are friends. I need hope that tomorrow will be a better day and I need hope.
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Days just got worse
My man broke up with me today and all I did was cry throughout the day and I looked horriable. Staying with mom tonight since I don't feel in the right state of mind to be alone. We had so much planned out but because I was an idiot I ruined it all. I am totally devestated because he was the love of my life. We r still friends which is so precious but my depression is so bad and wondoring if jesus will forgive me
Monday, 6 May 2013
This might be the most personal blog yet but feel like I need to write it. Recently my depression has been getting worse and tonight I had a nervous and emotional breakdown and even though I can't get into it I ended up hurting a few people and right now I am devistated. The reason that I am writing this is not to get attention but to bring awareness and I also need to let it out. I made a mistake of not taking my meds for my depression combined with being tired and stressed its not a good combination and one that won't be repeated. Ended up crying and freaked out now I just feel alone and feel that I don't deserve love and Jesus. My faith has been shaken and I feel Jesus hates me among others. My message to those who has a mental illness is to take treatment, talk about what's stressing you, meditate ( which I will be starting tomorrow and also journaling). Hoping tomorrow will be a better day. Talked to the mental health line twice, didn't take away all the pain and the beat up for those whom I caused pain but hoping they will still want me in their lives and forgive me
As low as low can be
Today I went to my mans place and of course mom made me feel like shit. I am so confused since I want to go home but at the same time I can't see it a very good idea for me to be alone tonight. Since I can't please anyone including myself that I am confusing my man and also me. I have been in tears for the past two hours and I am so frusterated. Hope tomorrow is a better day. I am so lost.
New me, new life, new hope
Hi everyone
First of all I want to say that I still believe in spiritual and supernatural and even though some viewers might not come back I feel like I have to be totally honest with myself and others and hope someone will be touched and enlightened by the message. I am still very openminded but my Divine is Jesus. I actually saw a vision of him and seen so many miracles and visions not to believe in him. At one point I saw a little boy be cured of cancer and a prevention of a suicide. He has helped me through so much and still does. Even today I was running low on food. I prayed and my mom bought me some and I didn't ask for it. As I want to point out again I am very openminded about almost all of peoples beliefs.