Sunday, 5 February 2012

Amulets and its Purposes

A friend of mine who occasionally visits this blog mentioned to me just in conversation that he/she would be intrested to know more about me. Since this individual knows almost everything about me I really had to think long and hard about that but this topic came to mind.

Ever since I was a young child before I knew that there was such thing as pendents that could give you good luck or to protect you I always thought in my childlike state that this was the case.  Growing up with my parents we had these lamps that had a glass chandiller hanging from it. I remember to this day taking the glass drops off them, blessing them, and wearing them around my neck thinking it would give me good luck and protection. To my dismay it didnt work and all it did was upset my parents because one or two of them would be taken off on a weekly basis. When I got older I realized that there was such a thing as good luck charms, magical purposes for them and to protect you. At that point I got fasinated by gemstones, fairies, angels, etc that I knew would protect me and work for other purposes. From then on I researched as much as I could and found out that every religion got some amulet: Christians got the cross, angels, saints; Buddhism: Buddha, Lotus etc; Jews: Star; Hinduism: God/Goddess; Wicca: God/Goddess, Tree of Life, Penticle, Cats, Moon/Star/Sun, etc. The list can go on and on and on.

Some gemstones that I used which I found in the Crystal Bible are:

Tormouline: Protects, Scrys, good direction to move in, grounds spiritual energy
Tigers Eye: Placed on the third eye it enhances psychic abilities
Taktite: enhance communication with the other worlds ( very rare gemstone)
Rhodochrosite: It enhances selfless love and compassion.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog as much as I enjoyed reading. Cant wait to hear your comments. Another one tommorow I promise

1 comment:

  1. One of my favourite gemstones is a tektite, it is called moldavite and is very rare. In my experience with this stone, it helps people return to the place within themselves that is of, but yet not completely of this world. I enjoyed reading this post, as it affirmed some of the thoughts that were on my mind during the time of reading.
